Dealing with Percentages

There are several methods of working out problems in percentage terms. Become comfortable with each of them. Simply knowing that percent means "per 100" is not enough.

100 percent = one

This allows "100 percent" to be placed into numerators as needed, and into denominators, and can be placed into both at the same time.

x × 100 percent = x
x ÷ 100 percent = x


Percent = .01

This allows 'percent' to be replaced by '.01' anywhere, although it might be more accurate to replace the 'percent' with an accompanying "multiply by .01" or "× .01" substitution.

x percent = x × .01

Over time, handwriting has suffered in legibility and in necessity. Handwriting is much faster now, as pens, pencils, styluses, and fingertips have replaced quills and brushes. As a result, the '.' in '.01' can often be missed, creating an error in calculation. If choosing to practice the "write .01 in place of percent" method, be sure to add a zero digit in front of the decimal point. This is of particular recent importance when doctors and nurses communicate to each other regarding patient medications.

Percent = 0.01
x percent = x × 0.01

Be sure to maintain good order of operations.

1 ÷ x percent = 1 ÷ ( x × 0.01 )

After some time spent growing comfortable with the p-word, begin using the p-sign. Just remember that in computer work, the '%' can mean something a whole lot different than 'percent.'

100% = 1
x × 100% = x
x ÷ 100% = x
1% = 0.01
1 ÷ x% = 1 ÷ ( x × 0.01 )

Percent is a word, but that doesn't mean it is a noun. As an adjective, percent cancels out in ratios, multiplies and divides, and adds as common terms.

5% + 10% = 15%
5 percent cows of 10 percent cows = 0.05 × 0.10 cows
5 percent cows to 10 percent cows = 1/2 cows

Lastly, rewrite percent as "÷ 100."

x percent = x/100

Hopefully this will be of some help.